2010? Most certainly a year to forget, punctuated by illness and severe financial problems. Unfortunately, Meniere's Disease has continued to dog my every step right up to the end of this year, with new medication certainly helping stem the tide, while at the same time sapping any strength that remained from my day job.
Like many folks, we found the effects of the recession extremely hard to shake off, and just managed (by inches) to avoid financial meltdown. During that worrying period, most of my DVD collection had to be sold: the Argento's; the Fulci's and the Franco's. All gone now.
While I didn't get to the point of never wanting to see a film again, my leisure activities took a good few bullets, with even a trip to the cinema out of bounds due to lack of cash. To be perfectly honest, a blog was often the last thing on my mind.
But, we have a new year on the horizon and while I appreciate that 2011 is going to be just as tough, one of my resolutions is to get this blog moving once again.
I'd like to thank everyone who visited in 2010, left comments and kindly offered their support. I greatly appreciate this, and would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year.